coaching counselling brantford difference

Coaching vs. Traditional Counselling/

A simple way to understand the differences between coaching and traditional counselling/therapy is that coaching's main focus is on a clients' goals and life changes they would like to make. It is important for the public to know, when they are searching for 'help' from a professional, what type of professional exactly would be of most benefit to them and their needs. 

'Life Coaches' in Ontario (excluding those who are also registered counsellors, social workers, psychologists or psychotherapists) must not practice the Protected Practice of Psychotherapy. Coaches also do not treat or attempt to address a client's diagnosable mental health issue(s) (E.g. Major-Depressive Disorder, Schizophrenia, Bipolar I or II Disorder, Personality Disorders etc.). While some coaches, such as myself, may hold degrees in counselling and therapy, certain aspects of counselling and it's models/techniques are permitted and utilized. This is the case in my practice as I, when appropriate, provide a 'hybrid' of coaching with counselling models/techniques. By taking this approach I am able to help my clients navigate life's obstacles, manage their stress, mood, thoughts, feelings and address the fears that often accompany one's journey in producing positive changes in their lives and achieving their goals.